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File: encryption.class.php

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  Classes of Ewg   PHP Code Encryption   encryption.class.php   Download  
File: encryption.class.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class source
Class: PHP Code Encryption
Obfuscate PHP scripts by replacing variable names
Author: By
Last change: update
Date: 15 years ago
Size: 3,415 bytes


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 * Encryption class
 * @package Encryption
 * @author Ewg
 * @category Security
 * @todo Multi file
class Encryption
     * File content
     * @var String
public $content;

     * File content not changed
     * @var String
public $content_source;

     * All varibles
     * @var Array|String
public $vars = array ();

     * Chains of varibles
     * @example "class name" <=> "352=>array (370, 307)"
     * @var Array
private $chains = array (
352=>array (370, 307), // class
347=> array (370, 309), // var
341=>array (370, 309), // public
343=>array (370, 309), // private
342=>array (370, 309), // protected
299=>array (370, 307) // new

     * Forbidden for replace strings
     * @var Array
private $forbidden = array ('Exception', '$this');

     * a..z
     * @var Array
public $abc = array ();

     * Address of source file
     * @var String
public $file_source;

     * Class activation
public function __construct ()
        if (empty (
$this->abc = range (a, z);

     * Parse activation
     * @param String $file_source
     * @return Object $this
public function parse ($file_source)
$this->content_source = file_get_contents($this->file_source = $file_source);
$this->content = token_get_all ($this->content_source);
        foreach (
$this->content as $key=>$value)
is_array ($value))
$this->content[$key]['2'] = token_name($value['0']);
                if (isset (
                    if (
is_array ($chain))
                        if (
$chain = array ($this->chains[$chainid][$i]);
                            unset (
$chainid = $chain;
$i = 0;
$end = end ($this->chains[$chainid]);
$chain = array (reset ($this->chains[$chain]));

                    if (
                        if (
$this->add ($value['1'], $value['0']);
                        unset (
                    if (
array_key_exists ($value['0'], $this->chains))
$chain = $value['0'];
                        if (
$this->add ($value['1'], 309);

     * Add varible to action
     * @param String $id
     * @param Int $type
public function add ($id, $type = false)
        if (!
in_array ($id, $this->vars) and !(in_array ($id, $this->forbidden)))
            if (
$type = false;
$this->vars[] = array ($id, $type);

     * Main action - code
     * @param String $file
     * @return Json vars
public function codeit ($file)
        foreach (
$this->vars as $key=>$value)
$temp[$value['0']] = ($value['1']? '$': '').$this->gen_name ();
$this->content_source = strtr ($this->content_source, $temp);
file_put_contents($file, $this->content_source);
$this->vars = json_encode(array ($this->file_source=>$temp));

     * Generate unique name
     * @return String
private function gen_name ()
$this->abc[rand (0, 25)].$this->abc[rand (0, 25)].str_repeat('_', rand (2, 15)).$this->abc[rand (0, 25)];