namespace RedUNIT\Base;
use RedUNIT\Base as Base;
use RedBeanPHP\Facade as R;
use RedBeanPHP\RedException as RedException;
use RedBeanPHP\OODBBean as OODBBean;
* Relations
* Tests whether RedBeanPHP handles relational data properly.
* This test suite is quite large because it tests various types
* of relations as well as simple and complex usage scenarios.
* @file RedUNIT/Base/Relations.php
* @desc Tests N:1 relations, nested beans.
* @author Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community
* @license New BSD/GPLv2
* (c) G.J.G.T. (Gabor) de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community.
* This source file is subject to the New BSD/GPLv2 License that is bundled
* with this source code in the file license.txt.
class Relations extends Base
* Test whether untainted parent bean dont
* get saved.
* @return void
public function testDontSaveParentIfNotTainted()
$author = R::dispense( 'author' );
R::store( $author );
$book = R::dispense( 'book' );
$book->author = $author;
$book->author->name = 'x';
$book->author->setMeta( 'tainted', FALSE );
R::store( $book );
$author = $author->fresh();
asrt( isset( $author->name ), FALSE );
* Tests whether via() applies camelcase-to-snakecase
* conversion. Although most of the time you do not need
* this since via() is meant to remap typical link tables
* to bean - but alas.
* @return void
public function testCamelCasingVia()
$book = R::dispense('book');
$book->sharedPage[] = R::dispense('page');
R::store( $book );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( count( $book->via('bookPage')->sharedPage ), 1 );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( count( $book->via('book_page')->sharedPage ), 1 );
* Test whether we can't add more than one FK.
public function testDuplicateFK()
list( $book, $page ) = R::dispenseAll( 'book,page' );
$book->sharedPage[] = $page;
R::store( $page );
R::store( $book );
$writer = R::getWriter();
$added1 = $writer->addFK( 'book_page', 'book', 'book_id', 'id', TRUE );
$added2 = $writer->addFK( 'book_page', 'page', 'page_id', 'id', TRUE );
$added = ( $added1 && $added2 );
asrt( $added, FALSE );
* Test whether ->all() reloads a list.
* @return void
public function testAllPrefix()
$book = R::dispense( 'book' );
$book->ownPage = R::dispense( 'page', 10 );
$book->sharedTag = R::dispense( 'tag', 2 );
$i = 0;
foreach( $book->ownPage as $page ) {
$page->pageno = $i++;
R::store( $book );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 10 );
asrt( count( $book->withCondition(' pageno < 5 ')->ownPage ), 5 );
asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 5 );
asrt( count( $book->all()->ownPage ), 10 );
asrt( count( $book->with(' LIMIT 3 ')->ownPage ), 3 );
asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 3 );
asrt( count( $book->all()->ownPage ), 10 );
asrt( count( $book->sharedTag ), 2 );
asrt( count( $book->with( ' LIMIT 1 ' )->sharedTag ), 1 );
asrt( count( $book->sharedTag ), 1 );
asrt( count( $book->all()->sharedTag ), 2 );
* Test Relations and conditions.
* @return void
public function testRelationsAndConditions()
list( $book1, $book2 ) = R::dispense( 'book', 2 );
list( $page1, $page2, $page3, $page4 ) = R::dispense( 'page', 4 );
list( $author1, $author2 ) = R::dispense( 'author', 2 );
$book1->title = 'a';
$book2->title = 'b';
$page1->thename = '1';
$page2->thename = '2';
$page3->thename = '3';
$page3->thename = '4';
$book1->ownPage = array( $page1, $page2 );
$book2->ownPage = array( $page3, $page4 );
$author1->sharedBook = array( $book1, $book2 );
$author2->sharedBook = array( $book2 );
R::storeAll( array( $author1, $author2 ) );
asrt( count( $author1->sharedBook ), 2 );
asrt( count( $author1->withCondition( ' title = ? ', array( 'a' ) )->sharedBook ), 1 );
R::store( $author1 );
asrt( count( $author1->sharedBook ), 2 );
asrt( count( $author1->withCondition( ' xtitle = ? ', array( 'a' ) )->sharedBook ), 0 );
R::store( $author1 );
asrt( count( $author1->sharedBook ), 2 );
$book1 = R::load( 'book', $book1->id );
$book2 = $book2->fresh();
asrt( count( $book1->ownPage ), 2 );
asrt( count( $book1->with( ' LIMIT 1 ' )->ownPage ), 1 );
$book1 = $book1->fresh();
asrt( count( $book1->ownPage ), 2 );
asrt( count( $book1->withCondition( ' thename = ? ', array( '1' ) )->ownPage ), 1 );
* Test filtering relations on links (using columns in the link table).
* @return void
public function testSharedLinkCond()
testpack( 'Test new shared relations with link conditions' );
$w = R::getWriter();
list( $b1, $b2 ) = R::dispense( 'book', 2 );
$b1->name = 'book1';
$b2->name = 'book2';
list( $p1, $p2, $p3 ) = R::dispense( 'page', 3 );
$p1->text = 'page1';
$p1->number = 3;
$p2->text = 'page2';
$p3->text = 'page3';
$b1->link( 'book_page', array( 'order' => 1 ) )->page = $p1;
$b1->link( 'bookPage', array( 'order' => 2 ) )->page = $p2;
$b2->link( 'book_page', array( 'order' => 1 ) )->page = $p3;
$b2->link( 'bookPage', array( 'order' => 2 ) )->page = $p2;
$b2->link( 'book_page', array( 'order' => 3 ) )->page = $p1;
R::storeAll( array( $b1, $b2 ) );
$b1 = R::load( 'book', $b1->id );
$b2 = R::load( 'book', $b2->id );
$pages = $b1->withCondition( ' book_page.' . $w->esc( 'order' ) . ' = 2 ' )->sharedPage;
$page = reset( $pages );
asrt( $page->text, 'page2' );
$pages = $b2->withCondition( ' ' . $w->esc( 'order' ) . ' = 3 ' )->sharedPage;
$page = reset( $pages );
asrt( $page->text, 'page1' );
$b1 = R::load( 'book', $b1->id );
$b2 = R::load( 'book', $b2->id );
$pages = $b1->withCondition( ' book_page.' . $w->esc( 'order' ) . ' < 3 AND page.number = 3' )->sharedPage;
$page = reset( $pages );
asrt( $page->text, 'page1' );
$pages = $b2->withCondition( ' ' . $w->esc( 'order' ) . ' > 1 ORDER BY book_page.' . $w->esc( 'order' ) . ' ASC ' )->sharedPage;
$page = array_shift( $pages );
asrt( $page->text, 'page2' );
$page = array_shift( $pages );
asrt( $page->text, 'page1' );
testpack( 'Test new shared relations and cache' );
* why does this not destroy cache in psql?
* ah: An error occurred: SQLSTATE[42703]: Undefined column: 7
* ERROR: column "page" of relation "page" does not exist
R::exec( 'UPDATE page SET ' . $w->esc( 'number' ) . ' = 1 ' );
R::getWriter()->setUseCache( TRUE );
$p1 = R::load( 'page', (int) $p1->id );
// Someone else changes the records. Cache remains.
R::exec( ' UPDATE page SET ' . $w->esc( 'number' ) . ' = 9 -- keep-cache' );
$b1 = R::load( 'book', $b1->id );
$p1 = R::load( 'page', (int) $p1->id );
// Yupz a stale cache, phantom read!
asrt( (int) $p1->number, 1 );
$pages = $b1->withCondition( ' book_page.' . $w->esc( 'order' ) . ' = 1 ' )->sharedPage;
$page = reset( $pages );
// Inconsistent, sad but TRUE, different query -> cache key is different
asrt( (int) $page->number, 9 );
// However, cache must have been invalidated by this query
$p1 = R::load( 'page', (int) $p1->id );
// Yes! we're consistent again! -- as if the change just happened later!
asrt( (int) $page->number, 9 );
// By doing this we keep getting 9 instead of 8
$b1->fresh()->withCondition( ' book_page.' . $w->esc( 'order' ) . ' = 1 ' )->sharedPage;
// Someone else is busy again...
R::exec( ' UPDATE page SET ' . $w->esc( 'number' ) . ' = 8 -- keep-cache' );
$b1 = R::load( 'book', $b1->id );
$pages = $b1->withCondition( ' book_page.' . $w->esc( 'order' ) . ' = 1 ' )->sharedPage;
$page = reset( $pages );
* yes! we get 9 instead of 8, why because the cache key has not changed,
* our last query was PAGE-BOOK-RELATION and now we ask for
* PAGE-BOOK-RELATION again. if we would have used just a load page
* query we would have gotten the new value (8).... let's test that!
asrt( (int) $page->number, 9 );
R::exec( ' UPDATE page SET ' . $w->esc( 'number' ) . ' = 9' );
$p1 = R::load( 'page', (int) $p1->id );
asrt( (int) $page->number, 9 );
// Someone else is busy again...
R::exec( ' UPDATE page SET ' . $w->esc( 'number' ) . ' = 8 -- keep-cache' );
$b1 = R::load( 'book', $b1->id );
$pages = $b1->withCondition( ' book_page.' . $w->esc( 'order' ) . ' = 1 ' )->sharedPage;
$page = reset( $pages );
// Yes, keep-cache wont help, cache key changed!
asrt( (int) $page->number, 8 );
R::getWriter()->setUseCache( FALSE );
* Test related count using via().
* @return void
public function testRelatedCountVia()
testpack( 'Test relatedCount with via()' );
$shop = R::dispense( 'shop' );
$shop->ownRelation = R::dispense( 'relation', 13 );
foreach ( $shop->ownRelation as $relation ) {
$relation->shop = $shop;
$relation->customer = R::dispense( 'customer' );
R::store( $shop );
$shop = $shop->fresh();
asrt( $shop->via( 'relation' )->countShared( 'customer' ), 13 );
* Test counting and aliasing.
* @return void
public function testCountingAndAliasing()
$book = R::dispense( 'book' );
$book->ownPage = R::dispense( 'page', 10 );
$book2 = R::dispense( 'book' );
$book2->ownPage = R::dispense( 'page', 4 );
list( $Bill, $James, $Andy ) = R::dispense( 'person', 3 );
$book->author = $Bill;
$book->coAuthor = $James;
$book2->author = $Bill;
$book2->coAuthor = $Andy;
$book->price = 25;
$book2->price = 50;
$notes = R::dispense( 'note', 10 );
$book->sharedNote = array( $notes[0], $notes[1], $notes[2] );
$book2->sharedNote = array( $notes[3], $notes[4], $notes[1], $notes[0] );
$books = R::dispense( 'book', 5 );
$books[2]->title = 'boe';
$book->sharedBook = array( $books[0], $books[1] );
$book2->sharedBook = array( $books[0], $books[2], $books[4] );
R::storeAll( array( $book, $book2 ) );
asrt( $book->countOwn( 'page' ), 10 );
asrt( $book->withCondition( ' id < 5 ' )->countOwn( 'page' ), 4 );
asrt( $Bill->alias( 'author' )->countOwn( 'book' ), 2 );
asrt( $Andy->alias( 'coAuthor' )->countOwn( 'book' ), 1 );
asrt( $James->alias( 'coAuthor' )->countOwn( 'book' ), 1 );
asrt( $Bill->alias( 'author' )->countOwn( 'book' ), 2 );
asrt( $book->countShared( 'note' ), 3 );
asrt( $book2->countShared( 'note' ), 4 );
asrt( $book2->countShared( 'book' ), 3 );
$book2 = $book2->fresh();
asrt( $book2->withCondition( ' title = ? ', array( 'boe' ) )->countShared( 'book' ), 1 );
* Test via.
* @return void
public function testVia()
testpack( 'Test via()' );
$d = R::dispense( 'doctor' )->setAttr( 'name', 'd1' );
$p = R::dispense( 'patient' )->setAttr( 'name', 'p1' );
$d->via( 'consult' )->sharedPatient[] = $p;
R::store( $d );
$d = R::load( 'doctor', $d->id );
asrt( count( $d->sharedPatient ), 1 );
asrt( in_array( 'consult', R::getWriter()->getTables() ), TRUE );
* Issue #348 via() should reload shared list
* @return void
public function testIssue348()
$product = R::dispense( 'product' );
$product->name = 'test';
$color = R::dispense( 'color' );
$color->name = 'cname';
$color->code = 'ccode';
R::store( $product );
R::store( $color );
$product->link( 'productColor', array(
'stock' => 1,
'position' => 0
) )->color = $color;
R::store( $product );
asrt( count( $product->sharedColor ), 0 );
asrt( count( $product->via( 'product_color' )->sharedColor ), 1 );
asrt( count( $product->sharedColor ), 1 );
R::renameAssociation( 'color_product', NULL );
* Test creation of link table.
* @return void
public function testCreationOfLinkTable()
asrt( in_array( 'consult', R::getWriter()->getTables() ), FALSE );
$d = R::dispense( 'doctor' )->setAttr( 'name', 'd1' );
$p = R::dispense( 'patient' )->setAttr( 'name', 'p1' );
$d->sharedPatient[] = $p;
asrt( in_array( 'consult', R::getWriter()->getTables() ), TRUE );
* Fast track link block code should not affect self-referential N-M relations.
* @return void
public function testFastTrackRelations()
testpack( 'Test fast-track linkBlock exceptions' );
list( $donald, $mickey, $goofy, $pluto ) = R::dispense( 'friend', 4 );
$donald->name = 'D';
$mickey->name = 'M';
$goofy->name = 'G';
$pluto->name = 'P';
$donald->sharedFriend = array( $mickey, $goofy );
$mickey->sharedFriend = array( $pluto, $goofy );
$mickey->sharedBook = array( R::dispense( 'book' ) );
R::storeAll( array( $mickey, $donald, $goofy, $pluto ) );
$donald = R::load( 'friend', $donald->id );
$mickey = R::load( 'friend', $mickey->id );
$goofy = R::load( 'friend', $goofy->id );
$pluto = R::load( 'friend', $pluto->id );
$names = implode( ',', R::gatherLabels( $donald->sharedFriend ) );
asrt( $names, 'G,M' );
$names = implode( ',', R::gatherLabels( $goofy->sharedFriend ) );
asrt( $names, 'D,M' );
$names = implode( ',', R::gatherLabels( $mickey->sharedFriend ) );
asrt( $names, 'D,G,P' );
$names = implode( ',', R::gatherLabels( $pluto->sharedFriend ) );
asrt( $names, 'M' );
// Now in combination with with() conditions...
$donald = R::load( 'friend', $donald->id );
$names = implode( ',', R::gatherLabels( $donald->withCondition( ' name = ? ', array( 'M' ) )->sharedFriend ) );
asrt( $names, 'M' );
// Now in combination with with() conditions...
$donald = R::load( 'friend', $donald->id );
$names = implode( ',', R::gatherLabels( $donald->with( ' ORDER BY name ' )->sharedFriend ) );
asrt( $names, 'G,M' );
// Now counting
$goofy = R::load( 'friend', $goofy->id );
asrt( (int) $goofy->countShared( 'friend' ), 2 );
asrt( (int) $donald->countShared( 'friend' ), 2 );
asrt( (int) $mickey->countShared( 'friend' ), 3 );
asrt( (int) $pluto->countShared( 'friend' ), 1 );
* Test list beautifications.
* @return void
public function testListBeautifications()
testpack( 'Test list beautifications' );
$book = R::dispense( 'book' );
$page = R::dispense( 'page' )->setAttr( 'name', 'a' );
$book->sharedPage[] = $page;
$id = R::store( $book );
$book = R::load( 'book', $id );
$p = reset( $book->ownBookPage );
asrt( $p->page->name, 'a' );
$bean = R::dispense( 'bean' );
$bean->sharedAclRole[] = R::dispense( 'role' )->setAttr( 'name', 'x' );
R::store( $bean );
asrt( R::count( 'role' ), 1 );
$aclrole = R::getRedBean()->dispense( 'acl_role' );
$aclrole->name = 'role';
$bean = R::dispense( 'bean' );
$bean->sharedAclRole[] = $aclrole;
R::store( $bean );
asrt( count( $bean->sharedAclRole ), 1 );
* Test list add and delete.
* @return void
public function testListAddDelete()
testpack( 'Test list add/delete scenarios.' );
$b = R::dispense( 'book' );
$p = R::dispense( 'page' );
$b->title = 'a';
$p->name = 'b';
$b->xownPage[] = $p;
R::store( $b );
$b->xownPage = array();
R::store( $b );
asrt( R::count( 'page' ), 0 );
$p = R::dispense( 'page' );
$z = R::dispense( 'paper' );
$z->xownPage[] = $p;
R::store( $z );
asrt( R::count( 'page' ), 1 );
$z->xownPage = array();
R::store( $z );
asrt( R::count( 'page' ), 0 );
$i = R::dispense( 'magazine' );
$i->ownPage[] = R::dispense( 'page' );
R::store( $i );
asrt( R::count( 'page' ), 1 );
$i->ownPage = array();
R::store( $i );
asrt( R::count( 'page' ), 1 );
* Test basic and complex common usage scenarios for
* relations and associations.
* @return void
public function testScenarios()
list( $q1, $q2 ) = R::dispense( 'quote', 2 );
list( $pic1, $pic2 ) = R::dispense( 'picture', 2 );
list( $book, $book2, $book3 ) = R::dispense( 'book', 4 );
list( $topic1, $topic2, $topic3, $topic4, $topic5 ) = R::dispense( 'topic', 5 );
list( $page1, $page2, $page3, $page4, $page5, $page6, $page7 ) = R::dispense( 'page', 7 );
$q1->text = 'lorem';
$q2->text = 'ipsum';
$book->title = 'abc';
$book2->title = 'def';
$book3->title = 'ghi';
$page1->title = 'pagina1';
$page2->title = 'pagina2';
$page3->title = 'pagina3';
$page4->title = 'pagina4';
$page5->title = 'pagina5';
$page6->title = 'cover1';
$page7->title = 'cover2';
$topic1->name = 'holiday';
$topic2->name = 'cooking';
$topic3->name = 'gardening';
$topic4->name = 'computing';
$topic5->name = 'christmas';
// Add one page to the book
$book->ownPage[] = $page1;
$id = R::store( $book );
asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 1 );
asrt( reset( $book->ownPage )->getMeta( 'type' ), 'page' );
$book = R::load( 'book', $id );
asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 1 );
asrt( reset( $book->ownPage )->getMeta( 'type' ), 'page' );
// Performing an own addition
$book->ownPage[] = $page2;
$id = R::store( $book );
$book = R::load( 'book', $id );
asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 2 );
// Performing a deletion
$book = R::load( 'book', $id );
unset( $book->ownPage[1] );
$id = R::store( $book );
$book = R::load( 'book', $id );
asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 1 );
asrt( reset( $book->ownPage )->getMeta( 'type' ), 'page' );
asrt( R::count( 'page' ), 2 ); //still exists
asrt( reset( $book->ownPage )->id, '2' );
// Doing a change in one of the owned items
$book->ownPage[2]->title = 'page II';
$id = R::store( $book );
$book = R::load( 'book', $id );
asrt( reset( $book->ownPage )->title, 'page II' );
// Change by reference now... don't copy!
$refToPage2 = $book->ownPage[2];
$refToPage2->title = 'page II b';
$id = R::store( $book );
$book = R::load( 'book', $id );
asrt( reset( $book->ownPage )->title, 'page II b' );
// Doing all actions combined
$book->ownPage[] = $page3;
R::store( $book );
$book = R::load( 'book', $id );
unset( $book->ownPage[2] );
// And test custom key
$book->ownPage['customkey'] = $page4;
$book->ownPage[3]->title = "THIRD";
R::store( $book );
$book = R::load( 'book', $id );
asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 2 );
$p4 = $book->ownPage[4];
$p3 = $book->ownPage[3];
asrt( $p4->title, 'pagina4' );
asrt( $p3->title, 'THIRD' );
// Test replacing an element
$book = R::load( 'book', $id );
$book->ownPage[4] = $page5;
R::store( $book );
$book = R::load( 'book', $id );
asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 2 );
$p5 = $book->ownPage[5];
asrt( $p5->title, 'pagina5' );
// Other way around - single bean
asrt( $p5->book->title, 'abc' );
asrt( R::load( 'page', 5 )->book->title, 'abc' );
asrt( R::load( 'page', 3 )->book->title, 'abc' );
// Add the other way around - single bean
$page1->id = 0;
$page1->book = $book2;
$page1 = R::load( 'page', R::store( $page1 ) );
asrt( $page1->book->title, 'def' );
$b2 = R::load( 'book', $id );
asrt( count( $b2->ownPage ), 2 );
// Remove the other way around - single bean
unset( $page1->book );
R::store( $page1 );
$b2 = R::load( 'book', $book2->id );
asrt( count( $b2->ownPage ), 1 ); //does not work
$page1->book = NULL;
R::store( $page1 );
$b2 = R::load( 'book', $book2->id );
asrt( count( $b2->ownPage ), 0 ); //works
// Re-add the page
$b2->ownPage[] = $page1;
R::store( $b2 );
$b2 = R::load( 'book', $book2->id );
asrt( count( $b2->ownPage ), 1 );
// Different, less elegant way to remove
$page1 = reset( $b2->ownPage );
$page1->book_id = NULL;
R::store( $page1 );
$b2 = R::load( 'book', $book2->id );
asrt( count( $b2->ownPage ), 0 );
// Re-add the page
$b2->ownPage[] = $page1;
R::store( $b2 );
$b2 = R::load( 'book', $book2->id );
asrt( count( $b2->ownPage ), 1 );
// Another less elegant way to remove
$page1->book = NULL;
R::store( $page1 );
$cols = R::getColumns( 'page' );
asrt( isset( $cols['book'] ), FALSE );
$b2 = R::load( 'book', $book2->id );
asrt( count( $b2->ownPage ), 0 );
// Re-add the page
$b2->ownPage[] = $page1;
R::store( $b2 );
$b2 = R::load( 'book', $book2->id );
asrt( count( $b2->ownPage ), 1 );
// Another less elegant... just plain ugly... way to remove
$page1->book = FALSE;
R::store( $page1 );
$cols = R::getColumns( 'page' );
asrt( isset( $cols['book'] ), FALSE );
$b2 = R::load( 'book', $book2->id );
asrt( count( $b2->ownPage ), 0 );
// Re-add the page
$b2->ownPage[] = $page1;
R::store( $b2 );
$b2 = R::load( 'book', $book2->id );
asrt( count( $b2->ownPage ), 1 );
// You are not allowed to re-use the field for something else
foreach (
1, -2.1, array(),
TRUE, 'NULL', new \stdClass,
'just a string', array( 'a' => 1 ), 0
) as $value
) {
try {
$page1->book = $value;
} catch ( RedException $e ) {
// Test fk, not allowed to set to 0
$page1 = reset( $b2->ownPage );
$page1->book_id = 0;
// Even uglier way, but still needs to work
$page1 = reset( $b2->ownPage );
$page1->book_id = NULL;
R::store( $b2 );
$b2 = R::load( 'book', $book2->id );
asrt( count( $b2->ownPage ), 0 );
// Test shared items
$book = R::load( 'book', $id );
$book->sharedTopic[] = $topic1;
$id = R::store( $book );
// Add an item
asrt( count( $book->sharedTopic ), 1 );
asrt( reset( $book->sharedTopic )->name, 'holiday' );
$book = R::load( 'book', $id );
asrt( count( $book->sharedTopic ), 1 );
asrt( reset( $book->sharedTopic )->name, 'holiday' );
// Add another item
$book->sharedTopic[] = $topic2;
$id = R::store( $book );
$tidx = R::store( R::dispense( 'topic' ) );
$book = R::load( 'book', $id );
asrt( count( $book->sharedTopic ), 2 );
$t1 = $book->sharedTopic[1];
$t2 = $book->sharedTopic[2];
asrt( $t1->name, 'holiday' );
asrt( $t2->name, 'cooking' );
// Remove an item
unset( $book->sharedTopic[2] );
asrt( count( $book->sharedTopic ), 1 );
$id = R::store( $book );
$book = R::load( 'book', $id );
asrt( count( $book->sharedTopic ), 1 );
asrt( reset( $book->sharedTopic )->name, 'holiday' );
// Add and change
$book->sharedTopic[] = $topic3;
$book->sharedTopic[1]->name = 'tropics';
$id = R::store( $book );
$book = R::load( 'book', $id );
asrt( count( $book->sharedTopic ), 2 );
asrt( $book->sharedTopic[1]->name, 'tropics' );
testids( $book->sharedTopic );
R::trash( R::load( 'topic', $tidx ) );
$id = R::store( $book );
$book = R::load( 'book', $id );
// Delete without save
unset( $book->sharedTopic[1] );
$book = R::load( 'book', $id );
asrt( count( $book->sharedTopic ), 2 );
$book = R::load( 'book', $id );
// Delete without init
asrt( ( R::count( 'topic' ) ), 3 );
unset( $book->sharedTopic[1] );
$id = R::store( $book );
asrt( ( R::count( 'topic' ) ), 3 );
asrt( count( $book->sharedTopic ), 1 );
asrt( count( $book2->sharedTopic ), 0 );
// Add same topic to other book
$book2->sharedTopic[] = $topic3;
asrt( count( $book2->sharedTopic ), 1 );
$id2 = R::store( $book2 );
asrt( count( $book2->sharedTopic ), 1 );
$book2 = R::load( 'book', $id2 );
asrt( count( $book2->sharedTopic ), 1 );
// Get books for topic
asrt( $topic3->countShared('book'), 2 );
$t3 = R::load( 'topic', $topic3->id );
asrt( count( $t3->sharedBook ), 2 );
// Nuke an own-array, replace entire array at once without getting first
$page2->id = 0;
$page2->title = 'yet another page 2';
$page4->id = 0;
$page4->title = 'yet another page 4';
$book = R::load( 'book', $id );
$book->ownPage = array( $page2, $page4 );
R::store( $book );
$book = R::load( 'book', $id );
asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 2 );
asrt( reset( $book->ownPage )->title, 'yet another page 2' );
asrt( end( $book->ownPage )->title, 'yet another page 4' );
testids( $book->ownPage );
// Test with alias format
$book3->cover = $page6;
$idb3 = R::store( $book3 );
$book3 = R::load( 'book', $idb3 );
$justACover = $book3->fetchAs( 'page' )->cover;
asrt( ( $book3->cover instanceof OODBBean ), TRUE );
asrt( $justACover->title, 'cover1' );
// No page property
asrt( isset( $book3->page ), FALSE );
// Test doubling and other side effects ... should not occur..
$book3->sharedTopic = array( $topic1, $topic2 );
$book3 = R::load( 'book', R::store( $book3 ) );
$book3->sharedTopic = array();
$book3 = R::load( 'book', R::store( $book3 ) );
asrt( count( $book3->sharedTopic ), 0 );
$book3->sharedTopic[] = $topic1;
$book3 = R::load( 'book', R::store( $book3 ) );
// Added only one, not more?
asrt( count( $book3->sharedTopic ), 1 );
asrt( intval( R::getCell( "select count(*) from book_topic where book_id = $idb3" ) ), 1 );
// Add the same
$book3->sharedTopic[] = $topic1;
$book3 = R::load( 'book', R::store( $book3 ) );
asrt( count( $book3->sharedTopic ), 1 );
asrt( intval( R::getCell( "select count(*) from book_topic where book_id = $idb3" ) ), 1 );
$book3->sharedTopic['differentkey'] = $topic1;
$book3 = R::load( 'book', R::store( $book3 ) );
asrt( count( $book3->sharedTopic ), 1 );
asrt( intval( R::getCell( "select count(*) from book_topic where book_id = $idb3" ) ), 1 );
// Ugly assign, auto array generation
$book3->ownPage[] = $page1;
$book3 = R::load( 'book', R::store( $book3 ) );
asrt( count( $book3->ownPage ), 1 );
asrt( intval( R::getCell( "select count(*) from page where book_id = $idb3 " ) ), 1 );
$book3 = R::load( 'book', $idb3 );
$book3->ownPage = array();
// No change until saved
asrt( intval( R::getCell( "select count(*) from page where book_id = $idb3 " ) ), 1 );
$book3 = R::load( 'book', R::store( $book3 ) );
asrt( intval( R::getCell( "select count(*) from page where book_id = $idb3 " ) ), 0 );
asrt( count( $book3->ownPage ), 0 );
$book3 = R::load( 'book', $idb3 );
* Why do I need to do this ---> why does trash() not set id -> 0?
* Because you unset() so trash is done on origin not bean
$page1->id = 0;
$page2->id = 0;
$page3->id = 0;
$book3->ownPage[] = $page1;
$book3->ownPage[] = $page2;
$book3->ownPage[] = $page3;
$book3 = R::load( 'book', R::store( $book3 ) );
asrt( intval( R::getCell( "select count(*) from page where book_id = $idb3 " ) ), 3 );
asrt( count( $book3->ownPage ), 3 );
unset( $book3->ownPage[$page2->id] );
$book3->ownPage[] = $page3;
$book3->ownPage['try_to_trick_ya'] = $page3;
$book3 = R::load( 'book', R::store( $book3 ) );
asrt( intval( R::getCell( "select count(*) from page where book_id = $idb3 " ) ), 2 );
asrt( count( $book3->ownPage ), 2 );
// Delete and re-add
$book3 = R::load( 'book', $idb3 );
unset( $book3->ownPage[10] );
$book3->ownPage[] = $page1;
$book3 = R::load( 'book', R::store( $book3 ) );
asrt( count( $book3->ownPage ), 2 );
$book3 = R::load( 'book', $idb3 );
unset( $book3->sharedTopic[1] );
$book3->sharedTopic[] = $topic1;
$book3 = R::load( 'book', R::store( $book3 ) );
asrt( count( $book3->sharedTopic ), 1 );
// Test performance
$logger = R::debug( TRUE, 1 );
$book = R::load( 'book', 1 );
$book->sharedTopic = array();
R::store( $book );
// No more than 1 update
asrt( count( $logger->grep( 'UPDATE' ) ), 1 );
$book = R::load( 'book', 1 );
print_r( $book->sharedTopic, 1 );
// No more than 1 select
asrt( count( $logger->grep( 'SELECT' ) ), 1 );
$book->sharedTopic[] = $topic1;
$book->sharedTopic[] = $topic2;
asrt( count( $logger->grep( 'SELECT' ) ), 0 );
R::store( $book );
$book->sharedTopic[] = $topic3;
// Now do NOT clear all and then add one, just add the one
R::store( $book );
$book = R::load( 'book', 1 );
asrt( count( $book->sharedTopic ), 3 );
// No deletes
asrt( count( $logger->grep( "DELETE FROM" ) ), 0 );
$book->sharedTopic['a'] = $topic3;
unset( $book->sharedTopic['a'] );
R::store( $book );
$book = R::load( 'book', 1 );
asrt( count( $book->sharedTopic ), 3 );
// No deletes
asrt( count( $logger->grep( "DELETE FROM" ) ), 0 );
$book->ownPage = array();
R::store( $book );
asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 0 );
$book->ownPage[] = $page1;
$book->ownPage['a'] = $page2;
asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 2 );
R::store( $book );
unset( $book->ownPage['a'] );
asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 2 );
unset( $book->ownPage[11] );
R::store( $book );
$book = R::load( 'book', 1 );
asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 1 );
$aPage = $book->ownPage[10];
unset( $book->ownPage[10] );
$aPage->title .= ' changed ';
$book->ownPage['anotherPage'] = $aPage;
R::store( $book );
$book = R::load( 'book', 1 );
asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 1 );
$ap = reset( $book->ownPage );
asrt( $ap->title, "pagina1 changed " );
// Fix udiff instead of diff
$book3->ownPage = array( $page3, $page1 );
$i = R::store( $book3 );
$book3 = R::load( 'book', $i );
asrt( intval( R::getCell( "select count(*) from page where book_id = $idb3 " ) ), 2 );
asrt( count( $book3->ownPage ), 2 );
$pic1->name = 'aaa';
$pic2->name = 'bbb';
R::store( $pic1 );
R::store( $q1 );
$book3->ownPicture[] = $pic1;
$book3->ownQuote[] = $q1;
$book3 = R::load( 'book', R::store( $book3 ) );
// two own-arrays -->forgot array_merge
asrt( count( $book3->ownPicture ), 1 );
asrt( count( $book3->ownQuote ), 1 );
asrt( count( $book3->ownPage ), 2 );
$book3 = R::load( 'book', R::store( $book3 ) );
unset( $book3->ownPicture[1] );
$book3 = R::load( 'book', R::store( $book3 ) );
asrt( count( $book3->ownPicture ), 0 );
asrt( count( $book3->ownQuote ), 1 );
asrt( count( $book3->ownPage ), 2 );
$book3 = R::load( 'book', R::store( $book3 ) );
$NOTE = 0;
$quotes = R::dispense( 'quote', 10 );
foreach ( $quotes as &$justSomeQuote ) {
$justSomeQuote->note = 'note' . ( ++$NOTE );
$pictures = R::dispense( 'picture', 10 );
foreach ( $pictures as &$justSomePic ) {
$justSomePic->note = 'note' . ( ++$NOTE );
$topics = R::dispense( 'topic', 10 );
foreach ( $topics as &$justSomeTopic ) {
$justSomeTopic->note = 'note' . ( ++$NOTE );
for ( $j = 0; $j < 10; $j++ ) {
// Do several mutations
for ( $x = 0; $x < rand( 1, 20 ); $x++ ) {
modgr( $book3, $quotes, $pictures, $topics );
$qbefore = count( $book3->ownQuote );
$pbefore = count( $book3->ownPicture );
$tbefore = count( $book3->sharedTopic );
$qjson = json_encode( $book->ownQuote );
$pjson = json_encode( $book->ownPicture );
$tjson = json_encode( $book->sharedTopic );
$book3 = R::load( 'book', R::store( $book3 ) );
asrt( count( $book3->ownQuote ), $qbefore );
asrt( count( $book3->ownPicture ), $pbefore );
asrt( count( $book3->sharedTopic ), $tbefore );
asrt( json_encode( $book->ownQuote ), $qjson );
asrt( json_encode( $book->ownPicture ), $pjson );
asrt( json_encode( $book->sharedTopic ), $tjson );
testids( $book->ownQuote );
testids( $book->ownPicture );
testids( $book->sharedTopic );
* Test parent bean relations.
* @return void
public function testParentBean()
$village = R::dispense( 'village' );
$village->name = 'village';
$home = R::dispense( 'building' );
$home->village = $village;
$id = R::store( $home );
$home = R::load( 'building', $id );
asrt( $home->village->name, 'village' );
asrt( R::count( 'village' ), 1 );
asrt( R::count( 'building' ), 1 );
R::trash( $home );
asrt( R::count( 'village' ), 1 );
asrt( R::count( 'building' ), 0 );
* test N-M relations through intermediate beans
* @return void
public function testNMRelationsIntermediate()
list( $mrA, $mrB, $mrC ) = R::dispense( 'person', 3 );
list( $projA, $projB, $projC ) = R::dispense( 'project', 3 );
$projA->title = 'A';
$projB->title = 'B';
$projC->title = 'C';
$participant = R::dispense( 'participant' );
$projA->link( 'participant', array( 'role' => 'manager' ) )->person = $mrA;
$projA->link( $participant->setAttr( 'role', 'developer' ) )->person = $mrB;
$projB->link( R::dispense( 'participant' )->setAttr( 'role', 'developer' ) )->person = $mrB;
$projB->link( 'participant', '{"role":"helpdesk"}' )->person = $mrC;
$projC->link( 'participant', '{"role":"sales"}' )->person = $mrC;
R::storeAll( array( $projA, $projB, $projC ) );
$a = R::findOne( 'project', ' title = ? ', array( 'A' ) );
$b = R::findOne( 'project', ' title = ? ', array( 'B' ) );
$c = R::findOne( 'project', ' title = ? ', array( 'C' ) );
asrt( count( $a->ownParticipant ), 2 );
asrt( count( $b->ownParticipant ), 2 );
asrt( count( $c->ownParticipant ), 1 );
$managers = $developers = 0;
foreach ( $a->ownParticipant as $p ) {
if ( $p->role === 'manager' ) {
if ( $p->role === 'developer' ) {
$p = reset( $a->ownParticipant );
asrt( $p->person->getMeta( 'type' ), 'person' );
asrt( ( $p->person->id > 0 ), TRUE );
asrt( $managers, 1 );
asrt( $developers, 1 );
asrt( (int) R::count( 'participant' ), 5 );
asrt( (int) R::count( 'person' ), 3 );
* test emulation of sharedList through intermediate beans
* @return void
public function testSharedListIntermediate()
list( $v1, $v2, $v3 ) = R::dispense( 'village', 3 );
list( $a1, $a2, $a3 ) = R::dispense( 'army', 3 );
$a1->name = 'one';
$a2->name = 'two';
$a3->name = 'three';
$v1->name = 'Ville 1';
$v2->name = 'Ville 2';
$v3->name = 'Ville 3';
$v1->link( 'armyVillage' )->army = $a3;
$v2->link( 'army_village' )->army = $a2;
$v3->link( 'armyVillage' )->army = $a1;
$a2->link( 'army_village' )->village = $v1;
$id1 = R::store( $v1 );
$id2 = R::store( $v2 );
$id3 = R::store( $v3 );
$village1 = R::load( 'village', $id1 );
$village2 = R::load( 'village', $id2 );
$village3 = R::load( 'village', $id3 );
asrt( count( $village1->sharedArmy ), 2 );
asrt( count( $village2->sharedArmy ), 1 );
asrt( count( $village3->sharedArmy ), 1 );
* test emulation via association renaming
* @return void
public function testAssociationRenaming()
list( $p1, $p2, $p3 ) = R::dispense( 'painting', 3 );
list( $m1, $m2, $m3 ) = R::dispense( 'museum', 3 );
$p1->name = 'painting1';
$p2->name = 'painting2';
$p3->name = 'painting3';
$m1->thename = 'a';
$m2->thename = 'b';
$m3->thename = 'c';
R::renameAssociation( 'museum_painting', 'exhibited' );
// Also test array syntax
R::renameAssociation( array( 'museum_museum' => 'center' ) );
$m1->link( 'center', array( 'name' => 'History Center' ) )->museum2 = $m2;
$m1->link( 'exhibited', '{"from":"2014-02-01","til":"2014-07-02"}' )->painting = $p3;
$m2->link( 'exhibited', '{"from":"2014-07-03","til":"2014-10-02"}' )->painting = $p3;
$m3->link( 'exhibited', '{"from":"2014-02-01","til":"2014-07-02"}' )->painting = $p1;
$m2->link( 'exhibited', '{"from":"2014-02-01","til":"2014-07-02"}' )->painting = $p2;
R::storeAll( array( $m1, $m2, $m3 ) );
list( $m1, $m2, $m3 ) = array_values( R::findAll( 'museum', ' ORDER BY thename ASC' ) );
asrt( count( $m1->sharedMuseum ), 1 );
asrt( count( $m1->sharedPainting ), 1 );
asrt( count( $m2->sharedPainting ), 2 );
asrt( count( $m3->sharedPainting ), 1 );
$p3 = reset( $m1->sharedPainting );
asrt( count( $p3->ownExhibited ), 2 );
asrt( count( $m2->ownExhibited ), 2 );
R::storeAll( array( $m1, $m2, $m3 ) );
list( $m1, $m2, $m3 ) = array_values( R::findAll( 'museum', ' ORDER BY thename ASC' ) );
asrt( count( $m1->sharedPainting ), 1 );
asrt( count( $m2->sharedPainting ), 2 );
asrt( count( $m3->sharedPainting ), 1 );
$p3 = reset( $m1->sharedPainting );
asrt( count( $p3->ownExhibited ), 2 );
$paintings = $m2->sharedPainting;
foreach ( $paintings as $painting ) {
if ( $painting->name === 'painting2' ) {
$paintingX = $painting;
unset( $m2->sharedPainting[$paintingX->id] );
R::store( $m2 );
$m2 = R::load( 'museum', $m2->id );
asrt( count( $m2->sharedPainting ), 1 );
$left = reset( $m2->sharedPainting );
asrt( $left->name, 'painting3' );
asrt( count( $m2->ownExhibited ), 1 );
$exhibition = reset( $m2->ownExhibited );
asrt( $exhibition->from, '2014-07-03' );
asrt( $exhibition->til, '2014-10-02' );
* Test don't try to store other things in shared list.
* @return void
public function testDontTryToStoreOtherThingsInSharedList() {
$book = R::dispense( 'book' );
$book->sharedPage[] = 'nonsense';
try {
R::store( $book );
} catch( RedException $exception) {
$book->sharedPageList = R::dispense( 'page', 2 );
R::store( $book );
R::trash( $book );
asrt( R::count('page'), 2 );
* Test whether magic array interface functions like isset() and
* unset work correctly with the x-own-list and the List-suffix.
* Array functions do not reveal x-own-lists and list-alias because
* you dont want duplicate entries in foreach-loops.
* Also offers a slight performance improvement for array access.
* @return void
public function testWhetherIssetWorksWithXList()
$book = R::dispense( 'book' );
$page = R::dispense( 'page' );
asrt( isset( $book->xownPageList ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book->ownPageList ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book->xownPage ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book->ownPage ), FALSE );
$book->xownPageList[] = $page;
asrt( isset( $book->xownPageList ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book->ownPageList ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book->xownPage ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book->ownPage ), TRUE );
//Test array access
asrt( isset( $book['xownPageList'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book['ownPageList'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book['xownPage'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book['ownPage'] ), TRUE );
R::store( $book );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( isset( $book->xownPageList ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book->ownPageList ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book->xownPage ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book->ownPage ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['xownPageList'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['ownPageList'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['xownPage'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['ownPage'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book->xownPageList ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book->ownPageList ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book->xownPage ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book->ownPage ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book['xownPageList'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book['ownPageList'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book['xownPage'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book['ownPage'] ), TRUE );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( isset( $book->xownPageList ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book->ownPageList ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book->xownPage ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book->ownPage ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['xownPageList'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['ownPageList'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['xownPage'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['ownPage'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book->xownPageList ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book->ownPageList ), TRUE );
//but empty
asrt( count( $book->ownPageList ), 0 );
asrt( count( $book->xownPageList ), 0 );
asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 0 );
asrt( count( $book->xownPage ), 0 );
$book->xownPageList[] = $page;
asrt( isset( $book->xownPageList ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book->ownPageList ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book->xownPage ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book->ownPage ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book['xownPageList'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book['ownPageList'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book['xownPage'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book['ownPage'] ), TRUE );
unset( $book->xownPageList );
asrt( isset( $book->xownPageList ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book->ownPageList ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book->xownPage ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book->ownPage ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['xownPageList'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['ownPageList'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['xownPage'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['ownPage'] ), FALSE );
$book->xownPageList[] = $page;
asrt( isset( $book->xownPageList ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book->ownPageList ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book->xownPage ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book->ownPage ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book['xownPageList'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book['ownPageList'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book['xownPage'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book['ownPage'] ), TRUE );
unset( $book->xownPage );
asrt( isset( $book->xownPageList ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book->ownPageList ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book->xownPage ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book->ownPage ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['xownPageList'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['ownPageList'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['xownPage'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['ownPage'] ), FALSE );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( isset( $book->xownPageList ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book->ownPageList ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book->xownPage ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book->ownPage ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['xownPageList'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['ownPageList'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['xownPage'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['ownPage'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book->xownPageList ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book->ownPageList ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book->xownPage ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book->ownPage ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book['xownPageList'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book['ownPageList'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book['xownPage'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book['ownPage'] ), TRUE );
* Test whether you can still set items starting with 'xown' or
* 'own' not followed by an uppercase character.
* @return void
public function testConfusionWithXOwnList()
$book = R::dispense( 'book' );
$book->xownitem = 1;
asrt( isset( $book->xownitem ), TRUE );
asrt( (int) $book->xownitem, 1 );
asrt( isset( $book->xownItem ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book->xownItemList ), FALSE );
$book->ownitem = 1;
asrt( isset( $book->ownitem ), TRUE );
asrt( (int) $book->ownitem, 1 );
asrt( isset( $book->ownItemList ), FALSE );
R::store( $book );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( isset( $book->xownitem ), TRUE );
asrt( (int) $book->xownitem, 1 );
asrt( isset( $book->xownItem ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book->xownItemList ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book->ownitem ), TRUE );
asrt( (int) $book->ownitem, 1 );
asrt( isset( $book->ownItemList ), FALSE );
* Test whether we can determine the mode of a list.
* @return void
public function testModeCheckerOfLists()
foreach( array( 'ownPage', 'xownPage', 'ownPageList', 'xownPageList' ) as $listName ) {
$book = R::dispense( 'book' );
asrt( $book->isListInExclusiveMode( $listName ), FALSE );
$book->ownPageList[] = R::dispense( 'page' );
asrt( $book->isListInExclusiveMode( $listName ), FALSE );
$book = R::dispense( 'book' );
asrt( $book->isListInExclusiveMode( $listName ), FALSE );
$book->xownPageList[] = R::dispense( 'page' );
asrt( $book->isListInExclusiveMode( $listName ), TRUE );
$book = R::dispense( 'book' );
asrt( $book->isListInExclusiveMode( $listName ), FALSE );
$book->ownPage[] = R::dispense( 'page' );
asrt( $book->isListInExclusiveMode( $listName ), FALSE );
$book = R::dispense( 'book' );
asrt( $book->isListInExclusiveMode( $listName ), FALSE );
$book->xownPage[] = R::dispense( 'page' );
asrt( $book->isListInExclusiveMode( $listName ), TRUE );